DDI Education






Découvrez le cycle Adaptive Enterprise Foundations organisé par AfrSCM






Offering the Most Comprehensive Suite of Globally Available Demand Driven Educational Offerings

The Demand Driven Institute offers a suite of powerful educational programs designed to enable companies to begin and sustain an implementation of a Demand Driven Operating Model (DDOM) and the Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise (DDAE) model.  Below is a basic description of each offering. To know more simply go to www.demanddriveninstitute.com.  We will continue to expand educational offerings as the Demand Driven body of thought continues to expand.  

NOTE:  All programs can be delivered in-house anywhere in the world through our global network


The Adaptive Enterprise Foundations (AEF)™ 

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The Adaptive Enterprise Foundations (AEF) program is designed to introduce individuals working in all areas to the components which are necessary to making an organization truly adaptive.  An “adaptive” organization is able to quickly and dynamically adjust its structure and behavior to the changing state and exigences of its environment in the short term (operational) as well as in the long term (strategic). Being adaptive is a necessary condition for survival of an organization and more so for its lasting success in today’s volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environment.  The AEF Program is THE official preparatory course for the Adaptive Enterprise Foundations Professional (AEFP)™ certification test.


The Demand Driven Planner (DDP)™ Program


The Demand Driven Planner (DDP) program is designed for planning, purchasing and supply chain personnel responsible for maintaining a DDMRP implementation.  Designed by the leading authorities on DDMRP at the Demand Driven Institute, the Demand Driven Planner program is comprised of 13 modules of in-depth DDMRP education. The DDP Program is the official preparatory course for the Demand Driven Planner Professional (DDPP)™ certification exam.


The Demand Driven Leader (DDL)™ Program


The Demand Driven Leader (DDL) program equips senior and mid-level operations and supply chain managers with the ability to design, implement and sustain a Demand Driven Operating Model including parameter settings through Demand Driven S&OP (DDS&OP).  Designed by the leading authorities on Demand Driven methods at the Demand Driven Institute, the Demand Driven Leader program is comprised of 7 modules of in-depth Demand Driven education. The DDL Program is the official preparatory course for the Demand Driven Planner Professional (DDLP)™ certification exam.


DDMRP Implementation Support™ Workshop

Demand Driven Institute Affiliates and Compliant Software Providers can support your implementation with the official Demand Driven Institute DDMRP Implementation Support Pack. This is a very full one day workshop that is designed to give teams a broad understanding of what DDMRP is and what it takes to properly support it.




Adaptive Systemic Thinking Program™

Logo ASTThe Adaptive Systemic Thinking Program™ conveys a proven repeatable process of systemic problem solving.It enables the executives of a compagny to innovate as described in the Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise model (DDAE).
More informations





Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise Introduction™


The Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise (DDAE) Model spans the operational, tactical and strategic ranges of an organization allowing it to continuously and successfully adapt to the complex and volatile supply chains we see today.  It combines the fundamental principles of flow management with the emerging new science of complex adaptive systems (CAS).  It is the way that successful businesses will work in the 21st Century.  This day long workshop will prove a compelling need for change, demonstrate fundamental solution principles and reveal a blueprint to transform the entire enterprise.  It is intended for senior management teams.


The Adaptive S&OP Seminar™


Adaptive S&OP is the strategic component of the Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise (DDAE) Model.  This seminar is designed for  executive teams looking to dramatically change the trajectory of their organization and overhaul the way the business connects strategy to operations and operations to strategy.  The seminar is typically delivered on an in-house basis to executive teams.



Demand Driven Operations Professional (DDOP)™


The Demand Driven Operations Professional (DDOP)™ is a professional endorsement certification offered by the Demand Driven Institute, the global authority for Demand Driven education, training, certification and compliance.  The DDOP™ is earned by an individual who can analyze an environment, place control points and time and apply demand driven scheduling and execution concepts. The endorsement is intended as an extension endorsement from the DDPP™ endorsement.  An individual achieves DDOP™ endorsement by successfully completing a rigorous test.  Upon successful completion of the test an endorsement certificate will be issued and the individual may begin using "DDOP" in their professional title.  The individual will also be issued an electronic certificate and badge for use with their social media profiles.


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Dernière modification : 05/09/2024



Mardi 10 septembre 2024 de 17h00 à 18h30

AfrSCM célèbre les 40 ans du livre "The Goal"

Participez à la projection du film "The Goal" tiré du livre éponyme et commenté par Christoph LENHARTZ, Président de TOCICO.

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Vendredi 13 septembre 2024 de 12h00 à 13h00

Webinar - Certifications professionnelles en Supply Chain Management

Quelles sont les certifications promues par AfrSCM ? A quoi servent-elles ? Quel intérêt pour votre carrière ?

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Vendredi 27 septembre 2024 de 08h30 à 18h30

The Fresh / Blue / Cool Connection - LE HAVRE

Pilotez vos supply chains en coordonnant les flux financiers et/ou les flux d'information et/ou les flux physiques.

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