La valeur des programmes de certification professionnelle en supply chain management
Les certifications professionnelles constituent aujourd'hui l'un des meilleurs mécanismes pour évaluer les connaissances, les compétences et l'expérience nécessaires à l'exercice d'un rôle spécifique. Le nombre croissant de programmes de certification en supply chain management disponibles à l'international offre de nouvelles opportunités aux professionnel-les pour faire avancer leurs carrières, jusqu'à des responsabilités de management au plus haut niveau de l'entreprise.
Ces programmes de certification professionnelle valident et permettent la reconnaissance des connaissances acquises pour exercer une mission ou une profession spécifique. Ils démontrent que le vocabulaire et la compréhension ce celui-ci sont acquises.
Pour les employeurs, les programmes de certification professionnelle favorisent la rétention des employé-es tout en garantissant l'utilisation des compétences les plus récentes et les plus pertinentes pour faire leur travail. De plus, ces programmes gênèrent l'utilisation d'un vocabulaire commun sur toute la supply chain internationale, entre services fonctionnels, fournisseurs et clients, voire fournisseurs de logiciels qui se révèle essentiel pour le travail en équipe internationale.
De plus en plus d'universités à travers le monde ont récemment intégré l'ensemble certaine de ces certifications dans leur programme afin d'aider leurs étudiant-es à démarrer une carrière internationale dans ce métier.
Cet aperçu liste les certifications disponibles et résume leur contenu.
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Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM): Candidates typically learn the basics of production and inventory management, such as the required terminology, concepts, demand planning and management, procurement, scheduling, continuous improvement. |
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Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP): The program focuses on improving a professional’s expertise in the field of global supply chain management in areas such as customer relations, information technology enablement, logistics and international trade. |
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Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution (CLTD): The program validates a professional’s expertise in logistics, transportation and distribution. |
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SCOR Professional Endorsement (SCOR-P): The APICS SCOR-P certification enables candidates to work with the SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) model and to standardize performance metrics, create best practices that affect supply chain performance, and the management of critical supply chain resources. |
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Certified in Transformation for Supply Chain (CTSC): demonstrates your expertise in supply chain strategy, proves your ability to lead a major transformation project and sets you apart from the competition—paving the way for new professional opportunities. |
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The Adaptive Enterprise Foundations Professional (AEFP)™: Conçue pour expliquer les différences conceptuelles illustrées pratiquement avec un jeu de rôle entre actionnaire, DG et employé-es, entre l'approche conventionnelle du management des supply chains (dominées par le modèle MRPII avec MPS, MRP, DRP) et l'approche basée sur le management des flux du modèle Demand Driven Adaptive Enterprise DDAE avec ses 4 buffers : stock, capacity, time, skill. La formation AEF enseignée en français est la préparation officielle permettant de réussir la certification Adaptive Enterprise Foundations Professional (AEFP™) en anglais. |
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Demand Driven Planner Professional (DDPP™): The Demand Driven Planner (DDP)™ Program is designed for planning, purchasing and supply chain personnel responsible for implementing and maintaining a DDMRP implementation. Designed by the leading authorities on DDMRP at the Demand Driven Institute, the Demand Driven Planner program is comprised of 13 modules of in-depth DDMRP education. The DDP Program is THE official preparatory course for the Demand Driven Planner Professional (DDPP)™ certification exam. |
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Demand Driven Leader Professional (DDLP™): The Demand Driven Leader (DDL)™ Program equips senior and mid-level operations and supply chain managers with the ability to design, implement and sustain a Demand Driven Operating Model (DDOM) including parameter settings through Demand Driven S&OP (DDS&OP). Designed by the leading authorities on Demand Driven methods at the Demand Driven Institute, the Demand Driven Leader™ Program is comprised of 6 modules of in-depth Demand Driven education. The DDL Program is THE official preparatory course for the Demand Driven Leader Professional (DDLP)™ endorsement certification test. |
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The Demand Driven Operations (DDOP™) (1 day): The Demand Driven Operations (DDO)™ program is an eight-hour extension program available for those that have gone through DDI’s Demand Driven Planner (DDP)™ program. The program assumes a deep technical knowledge of DDMRP and will address in depth the other aspects of the Demand Driven Operating Model (DDOM) including operational metrics, control point scheduling, time and capacity buffer management and the struggle between cost and flow in operations. The program offers unique content not found in the DDP or Demand Driven Leader (DDL)™ programs. The program is ideal for those in an operational scheduling and/or supervisory role or those that are wishing to gain a full appreciation of the entire DDOM. |
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Demand Driven Distribution Professionnal (DDDP™): The Demand Driven Distribution (DDD)™ program is designed for planning, purchasing and supply chain personnel responsible for implementing and maintaining a Demand Driven Distribution Requirements Planning (DDDRP) implementation. Designed by the leading authorities on DDMRP/DDDRP at the Demand Driven Institute, the Demand Driven Distribution program is comprised of 10 modules of in-depth DDDRP education. The DDD Program is THE official preparatory course for the Demand Driven Distribution Professional (DDDP)™ certification exam. |
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Demand Driven Supply Chain Professional (DDSCP™): Fellowship level endorsement to testify the proven ability of a professional to successfully apply Demand Driven concepts at the operational and tactical levels creating sustained value for an enterprise through that application. |
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Adaptive Systemic Thinking Professional (ASTP™): The Adaptive System Thinking Program™ was developed over a 20 year time span and has proven itself across a wide variety of environments. Based primarily on the thinking processes of the Theory of Constraints the AST™ is a streamlined but extremely effective vehicle to learn a process of strategic thinking that will leave an indelible mark on the way a person looks at problems and solutions within a system. |
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Certified Supply Chain Analyst (CSCA) (2 days): Provides a comprehensive introduction into the field of supply chain management, strategy, design, implementation and innovation, such as DDMRP. Prepares the participant to become an analyst of the end-to-end supply chain. |
Certified Blockchain for Supply Chain Professional (CBSCP) (2 days) : This intensive course is designed for decision-making executives, where their supply chain models and operations could be impacted by the introduction of this technology. In addition to understanding the foundational aspect of this technology, participants will be able to see how blockchain technology is changing the operational deployment to their benefit. | |
Certified HealthCare Supply Chain Analyst (CHSCA) (2 days) : The Certified Healthcare Supply Chain Analyst (CHSCA) is designed to provide participants the ability to demonstrate mastery related to topics uniquely related to healthcare supply chain principles,. While the certification covers some of the traditional supply chain topics seen in other industries, such as purchasing, transportation and sourcing, it also covers healthcare-specific topics such as GS1, healthcare innovation, supply chain risk management and healthcare demand planning. |
Certified Sustainable Supply Chain Professional (CSSCP) (2days) : The Program is a comprehensive education program that integrates Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility into Supply Chain principles. The content covers the basics of Supply Chain Management from strategy to execution; Sustainability & CSR principles and how to integrate them into Supply Chain Management practices. The CSSCP Program aims to educate all professionals on how to maximize the success of the supply chain while being environmentally and socially responsible. |
Cette formation vous permettra de découvrir les concepts fondamentaux de la TOC, les applications de base de la TOC dans différents domaines (en production, « Drum-Buffer-Rope » ; en gestion de projets, « Chaîne Critique »), le choix d’une gamme de produits, la conduite du changement, ainsi que les Thinking Processes, les outils d’analyse et de résolution de problème. Cette formation vous prépare pour l’examen de certification de la TOCICO : « TOC Fundamentals Certified, TOCFC™ ». |
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The CSCMP (Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals) is providing networking, career development, and educational opportunities to the logistics and supply chain management community |
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The SCPro Supply Chain Management Certification is offered by the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP). SCPro certification is a three-level certification process that validates a professional’s ability to assess business challenges and effectively implement improvements in the area of supply chain management.
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IBF (Institute of Business Forecasting & Planning) is known for two levels of certification: |
Certified Professional Forecaster (CPF): Helps candidates to acquire knowledge about Demand Planning, Forecasting, and S&OP, Data Management and time Series Forecasting Modeling and Reporting, Presenting, |
Advanced Certified Professional Forecaster (ACPF): Helps candidates in addition to the CPF content to deepen their knowledge about Advanced Forecast Modeling and Technology and Worst Practices in Forecasting & Planning. |
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ISM (Institute of Supply Management) is one of the largest global organizations focused on improving procurement and supply management and provides 2 certification programs: |
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Certified Professional in Supply Management (CPSM): Helps candidates become experts in critical areas of supply chain management such as sustainability, strategic sourcing and forecasting. |
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Certified Professional in Supplier Diversity (CPSD): Is best for professionals who participate in the development of supplier diversity initiatives. |
Lundi 10 février 2025 - De 19h à 21h
Conférence Jumeaux numériques temps réel
Comment optimiser les flux et améliorer la perforamcne industrielle de la Supply Chain.
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Vendredi 28 février 2025
Webinar sur les certifications professionnelles en Supply Chain Management
Découvrez les certifications promues par AfrSCM de nos partenaires ISCEA - DDI - TOCICO et ASCM.
Jeudi 27 et vendredi 28 mars 2025
Formation et certification Certified Sustainable Supply Chain Professional
Obtenez une certification reconnue en pleine croissance à l’international en lien direct avec les problématiques de développement durable.
Tour de France Serious Game en Supply Chain Management
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