Demand Driven Planner Professional

Demand Driven Planner Professional

The Demand Driven Planner (DDP)™ Program is designed for planning, purchasing and supply chain personnel responsible for implementing and maintaining a DDMRP implementation.  Designed by the leading authorities on DDMRP at the Demand Driven Institute, the Demand Driven Planner program is comprised of 13 modules of in-depth DDMRP education. The DDP Program is THE official preparatory course for the Demand Driven Planner Professional (DDPP)™ certification exam.

Pour en savoir plus

Demand Driven Planner Professionnal



Dernière modification : 14/10/2024



Mercredi 30 et jeudi 31 octobre 2024

Formation certifiante AEFP - Toulouse

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Mardi 12 et Mercredi 13 novembre 2024

Salon Supply Chain Event - Paris

Retrouvez-nous au salon Supply Chain Event, LE grand rendez-vous annuel des prescripteurs de la Supply Chain.

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Vendredi 15 novembre 2024 à 12h

Webinar certifications professionnelles en supply chain management

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