Conférence de l'ASCM Association for Supply Chain Management
Le 5 avril 2022 de 18h30 à 19h30
Towards Sustainable Supply Chains
Supply Chain Sustainability: Aspiration or Reality?
Organizations desperately want to fulfill their aspirational mission of driving a responsible supply chain
that operates at the highest level of ethical and ecological standards whilst meeting the economic objectives
of their stakeholders. However, changing the underlying supply chain operating model to achieve this goal is NOT
as easy as it might seem. Un-learning and driving the changes necessary to create this unique balance requires a crisp, clear,
and honest understanding of gaps and vulnerabilities that exist across the enterprise.
This interactive discussion will illuminate both the challenges and the solutions on how to overcome them!
5 avril 2022 de 18h30 à 19h30
entrée libre
chez notre partenaire Ecole Paris Panthéon Assas
Maison des sciences de gestion
1 rue guy de la Brosse (Métro Jussieu) - Paris 5e
Douglas J. KENT is the executive vice president of strategy and alliances at ASCM. He oversees ASCM’s global partners and is responsible for growing and strengthening global strategic alliances.
Kent has over 35 years of transformational advisory and practitioner experience with large multi-national organizations. He specializes in SCOR®-based transformations, supply chain strategy & segmentation, supply chain planning, enterprise risk optimization and supply chain visibility. As an APICS certified SCOR master instructor, he has traveled the globe leading workshops, education, and transformational programs.
Kent holds a master’s degree in international business from Pepperdine University and a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Indiana University.
En savoir plus sur Douglas :
Mardi 10 septembre 2024 de 17h00 à 18h30
AfrSCM célèbre les 40 ans du livre "The Goal"
Participez à la projection du film "The Goal" tiré du livre éponyme et commenté par Christoph LENHARTZ, Président de TOCICO.
Vendredi 13 septembre 2024 de 12h00 à 13h00
Webinar - Certifications professionnelles en Supply Chain Management
Quelles sont les certifications promues par AfrSCM ? A quoi servent-elles ? Quel intérêt pour votre carrière ?
Vendredi 27 septembre 2024 de 08h30 à 18h30
The Fresh / Blue / Cool Connection - LE HAVRE
Pilotez vos supply chains en coordonnant les flux financiers et/ou les flux d'information et/ou les flux physiques.